Maddhapara Mining area :
Location :
Maddhapara hard rock Mine is located in Maddhapara , Dinajpur , Bangladesh. Its geographical coordinates are 25˚ 33΄ 15΄΄ N to 25˚34΄ 15΄΄ N latitude and 89˚ 3΄ 30΄΄E to 89˚ 4΄ 53΄ E longitude (see map 1.) Maddhapara hard rock Mine is 330km away from Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh and 14km away from phulbari Dinajpur.
Fig: Location of Maddhapara Hard Rock Mine
Fig: Location map of the Maddhapara basement rocks in Bangladesh showing probable depth of the rocks
(modified from Khan, 1991; Hossain et al., 2007). Contour index indicates depth variations of basement rocks from the surface.
Climate :
As Bangladesh belongs to the tropical zone, the climate in the mine area is characterized by hot season in summer, moderate in monsoon and cool in winter.
Average temperature in June is the highest, with a maximum of 38.8˚c and average temperature in January the lowest, with a minimum of 7˚c. (Table 1-1)
Monthly average temperature based on data available with Dinajpur Meteorological observation Station is given in
Monthly Average Temperature in 1998 & 1999 (Unit : Degree Celsius)
Table 1-1
Bangladesh has a heavy rainfall and the mine area has rainfall equivalent to 85 percent of annual rainfall in the monsoon season between June and October and little rainfall in the dry season from November to May the following year. Monthly rainfall based on data available with Dinajpur Meteorological Observation Station is given in Table 1-2
The highest annual humidity was at the year 1987(84) and the lowest was at the year 1981(69). A correlation between precioitation and humidity values of the study area can be found. Higher humidity has occurred in the low precipitation year.
Geomorphology :
Topography :
Bangladesh is dominantly a plain and so is Maddhapara area which is slightly elevated from the MSL, making itself geologically horst. The central part of the mine is more elevated than the surrounding area. The elevations from the MSL at different borehole s drilled in the mine area are as follows: 30.40m At BH-12 , 530m north of cage shaft, 29.11m at BH-15 ,440m west of cage shaft , 26.96m at BH-16, 500m east of cage shaft and 28.82m at BH- 19, 480m south of cage shaft.
The north and west of the mine area if covered by forest and local people live in dome parts of west of mine area. East and south of the mine area is adjacent to paddy and non-paddy fields , in some parts of which local people live.
A small river, 1.8km south of the mine area , flows in the northwest direction. The river dries up in dry season.
Maddhapara hardrock mining area and its environs are formed by the deposition of three different materials, e.g. Piedmont Alluvium, Tista Alluvium and Barind Tract (Fig…..). The Piedmont plains occur throughout most of Dinajpur District and of Rangpur District.
The old Himalayan Piedmont plain is a part of a gigantic allucial fan formed by the Tista River, before it abandoned the landscape. The generally consist of gently undualing ridges with intervening broad sometimes narrowly leveled depression. The Tista Alluvium is underlain by Recent to Sub-Recent and older Floodplain. Barindra Tract presents somewhat alluvium termed the Mdupur Clay.
Fig: Physiographic Map of Maddhapara Mining Area
Soil condition :
Alluvium deposit has not taken place in and around the site of drilling operation at Maddhapara. The Madhupur clay is either exposed at the surface or concealed under a thin soil layer less then one m thick, formed from the weathering of the red clay. Due to the removal of the clayey materials, the soil has become more sandy than the parent rock.
A limited quantity of ferruginous concretions still remain mixed in the soil. In and around the study area two main types of soil have been identified, which are piedmont and Tista floodplain soil and Barindra Tract soil.
Fig : soil map of maddhapara mine area
Drainage :
The entire Tableland is surrounded by two major river system, Jamuna and Ganges. An impervious red clay layer covers most of the tableland area and limits direct seepage of rainwater. This causes the water to drain along shallow streams that flow from north to south. Fragmented agricultural land hold some rain water for rice irrigation. A major part of this water is ultimately evaporated.
The regional rivers mainly drain the local runoff. Stream flow is the major component of regional surface water. Kharkharia and Tulshiganga rivers floeing from north join the Jamuna river. Two other rivers, Nagor and Bhadal passing through the southeastern part meet the Karatoa-Atrai-Gur-GUMAIN-Hurasagar river flowing through the southern boundary. Jamuneswari-karatoa is the principal river in the area.
This river is the downstream portion of Deonai-Charalkata river. It has two other smaller tributaries, but these tributaries carry small amount of water during monsoon only. Jamuneswari enters the area at Badarganj in Badarganj Upzila and it leaves through Mithapukur Thana. Spills from the Brahmaputra river into are controlled by the Brahmaputra right Embankment. The Barind Tract is crossed by a number of rivers occupying faults troughs.
Most of the rivers within the study area are small in size and flow. Phase 2 falls within a boundary formed by the Chirnai and Kala river is distributary of the Chirnai and separates at Kisamat Union. But it again coalesces with the river as a tributary at Debipur Union. The river runs for about 10kms, independently . no significant drainage system is available within Phase 3. there are many ponds within the area.
Mostly are local few naturals . surface area of standing water bodies, such as, haors, baors and beels excluding ponds and tanks was surveyed by SPARRSO (1986). In the study area there are 5 standing water bodies, beels and blocked river channels. Total surface area of standing water bodies are 254 km( MPO, 1985)
Fig : Drainage MAP of Maddhapara Mine area
Geology of Maddhapara :
Based on geological framework, Bangladesh is divided into two main divisions (Bakhtin 1966,Guha 1978,Raimann 1933 and1996), namely
1) The Precambrian Indian platform and
2) The basin or geosyncline .
Aligned from north-east to south-west , a narrow zone between the above a mentioned divisions is called “the Hinge zone’’ . Further the Precambrian Indian platform is subdivided into 1) Rangprur Saddle, and 2) Bogra shelf; whereas the basin or geosyncline is into 1)Bengal fordeep, and 2) Folded Belt.
Maddhapara hardrock mine area is located in Rangpur Saddle. The main characteristics of the Saddle are that the sedimentary cover is very thin and basement lies at shallow depth in this region. It is actually the connecting part of India Sheild of Bihar in the west to shilliong shield of Meghaloy if the east. This is why it is calleds‘‘the Garo-Rajmahal gap”. Basement found in Maddhapara is probably formed in the Precambrian Era. Maddhapara hardrock mine area is limited to the east by the NW-SE Major fault and to the north by a steep slope of basement.
Tectonic setting
Bangladesh constitutes the major part of the Bengal basin which bounded on the west by the Indian Shield, in the east(Barma) by the Arakan-Yoma Mega-anticlinorium, and in the north by the Shillong Massif, It is open to the south as an active Foredeep. The present conception of the tectonic framework of Bangladesh is dericed from the proposition published by Bakhtine, ganser and Zaher ad from recent data collected in the course of hydrogeological investigation at Maddhapara and environs. The compiled data reveals that the Bengal Basin in Bangladesh comprise three major tectonic subdivision namely
i) Dinajpur Platform
ii) Bengal Foredeep and
iii) Hinge Zone
The Hinge Zone represents a transition between the southern slope of the Dinajpur Platform and the Bengal Foredeep. The shallow part of the Dinajpur Platform extends over an area of about 6000 sq km of northwest Bangladesh. Archaean Basement rocks, under a thin mantle of Upper Tertiary and Quartenary sediments, ranging in thickness from 130mto 256m. build the foundation of this shallow area. Structurally the platform appears to be a graben separated from the Shillong Massif in the east and the Indian Shield in the west by a series of north- south trending faults.
Successive drilling works has established the southern slope of Dinajpur Platform. Presence of the northern slope has been indicated by different geophysical and drilling operations. Thus it can be inferred that tectonically a small raised area exist at the center of the Dinajpur Platform.
Geological structure in Maddhapara Mine Area
Structural description of Maddhapara and its adjoining areas have been stated here with relation to the description given by Rahman (1987) and Khan (1992). The structural map has been compiled their publications (Fig ….). In this map it is observed that in the most cases location of gravity faults coincide with the location of fault lineaments, instrad of the magnetic faults.
The study area lie in the Rangpur Saddle.Varying upto 200m the badement rock is at minimum depth from the surface, with exception of local highs and lows.Structurally thee area is fault-controlled.Within the Maddhapara and environs three faults/ lineament trends can be identified.These are 1. Northwest-Southeast oriented faults/lineamenta FF1. (2.) Northeast-Southwest oriented faults/lineamenta FF2, AND (3) East-Weat tending fault FF3.
At shallow depth (128m) a basement high is located at Maddhapara. This high limited on the east by a northwest-southeast trending fault. It is a very old fault formed prior to the deposition of Gondwana sediments within the Osmanpur Graben. This northwest-southeast trending faults is the likely boundary fault between the Osmanpur Graben and Maddhapara basement high, and the probable extension of the western boundary fault of the crystalline basement and Gandwana rocks in the Raniganj coal field of India. This fault probably forms the western limit of the Osmanpur Graben. Located at the central part of the graben Osmanpur is about 4to 5m lower than its surroundings. Physiographycally the area forms a low flood badin (Rahman,1987)
The Chirnai River and the Kala River fliw more less from the northwest to the southeast, along the western side of the Osmanpur Graben. These rivers can be termed as the surface indication of subsurface faults.
Of the three trends the northwest- southeast trending faults/lineaments are followed by the northeast-southwest oriented faults/lineaments, maintaining a similar trend of those across the border ( the Dhawar, Godabari, and Mahanadi lineaments). The east-west trending fault may be the youngest of the area.
Stratigraphy of Maddhapara Area:
The stratigraphy succession of Maddhapara is given below….
The whole mine area is covered with alluvium. It is divided into four units , i.e., the existing channel deposits, the natural levee deposits , the flood plain deposits and the abandoned channel deposits . Alluvium is the grayish black plastic clay. Alluvium clay contains roots of vegetables and partially decomposed vegetable remains.
Madhupur Clay (0.5−6m)
Madhupur clay overlies the Dupitila formation in the entire mine area. Its thiekness is 5-6m where the shafts are located 7-8m to the north of shafts location and 8-10m to the south of shafts location (It is 10.2m thick in GDH-24). The clay is red , sticky and gressy and contains sparsely speaks (3-7mm in diameter ) of blackish brown iron oxides. As the depth increases below 4-5m , the clay contains fine-grained sand. Madhupur clay is micro-grained clay , which is highly plastic. It is considered a permeable non-water bearing layer through which seepage and evaporation take place during the wet season , but it is not an aquifer.
Dupitila Formation (6−120m)
The Dupitila formation overlies the Tura formation in the whole mine area. The Dupitila formation consist of yellowish brown fine to medium grained sands and coarse grained pebbly sands in places. The fine grained sands contains yellowish brown clay. The Dupitila formation lies at depth intervals of 6m to 121m in shafts locations, 6m to 105m in the south-east of shafts (in BH-20) and 5m to 119m in the west of shafts (in BH-15).
The sands are composed of quartz, feldspar, mica and dark coloured minerals. The sands, weathered in the upper part, are abraded to subrounded. The pebbles are of squartzite and silicified rock, which were subrounded to rounded.
The Dupitila formation is very porous and permeable, and is an excellent overburden aquifer. (Refer to ‘Hydrological’survey report)
Figure : Physiographic map of Bangladesh. (Map from Alam et al. 1990, permitted from Geol Surv Bangladesh.)
Figure 1.7 . Geologic map of Bangladesh. (Map from Alam et al. 1990, permitted from Geol Surv Bangladesh.)
Tura Formation(120-141m)
The tura formation is overlies the weathered and kaolonized rock of the Archean basement. It overlies the Gondwana group exclusiveiy in the western part of shafts where the NW-SE major faults exists (GDH-26 and B-17). It lies between 120m and 160m depth . The Tura formation beanth the Dupitila formation is composed of grayish black medium to coarse grained sands ans pebbles, with underlying quartz sands and clay present.
The grayish black medium to coarse grained sands lying between 120m and 132m depth are composed of quartz ,feldspar and dark colored minerals. Psebbles . subrounded to rounded , are of quartzite and silicified rock. Quartz sands are vitreous and subangular to subrounded . quartz sands contain grayish black clay pyrite and gresyiah black minerals. Quartz sand laer has intermediate intrusive mudstone and brown coal cuttings. The tura formation comprlsea fine to medium sands and in places, pebbles and thus is an overburden aquifer.
Gandwana Group(160-259.6m)
The Gondwan Group lies at 156.4-326.5m depth in GDH-26 and at 160-259.6depth in BH-17. In the boundary of the tura formation and the Gondwana Group it was observed (at 165.4-158.8m depth in GDH-26 and at 160-163.5mdepth in BH-17) that feldspathic sandstone was graded into clay materials due to physico-chemical weathering. The Gondwana group exhibits a blue colour and comprise s medium to fine grained ffeldsphathic sandstone. Within the Gondwana formation, a conglomerate bed lies at the depth of 276.1m to 281.6m in GDH-26 and at the depth of 237.4m to 239.8m in BH-17.
These are well sorted and well rounded and thus long transported. On the other hand, in the boundary between the Gondwana and Basement, lies a bed of tectonic breccia probably formed of the granodiorite rubbles (angular rock fragments) of large small size. These tectonic breccias are probably caused by the influence of the NW-SE Major fault. The Gondwana formation is composed of fine to medium grained feldspathic sandstone and pebbles in places. Its forms an overburden aquifer.
Basement(below 140m)
Basement is of the Archean era (?) and sub divided into the kaolinized granodiorite, the weathered granodiorite and the fresh granodiorite . And the dykes of micro-granodiorite , fine grained silicified whitish granite and pegmatite is thinly inserted in the basement .According to the ‘‘Records of Geological survey of Bangladesh” written by Anisur Rahman, the granodiorite in the hardrock deposite is of the Archean era(?)
The sequence of sedimentary rocks resting on the basement complex may be classified, on the basis of striking color contrast, again size and unconformable contacts, into four stratigraphic horizons. The detailed description of lithologies and subdivisions given in this disquisition are the opinions of Australian project consulting house ltd. And are presented to assistance hydrogeological analyses of the study area.
Rocks found :
Kaolinized Granodiorite
Feldspar of grnodiorite was kaolinized by influence of physico-chemical weathering. The kaolinized rock lies at 128-141m depth (in BH-20) with range of 2-3m thickness. The kaolin is composed of grayish white clay, sticky amd greasy feel. It contains a little amount of vitreous quartz sands that are not rounded. (……………….) . In BH-20, the kaolinized granodiorite was form 128m depth and in GDH-24, form 128.7m depth. The kaolin layer is impervious and acts as a hydro-insulator.
Weathered Granodiorite
In the upper part of basement, the granodiorite was highly weathered and thus is friable. The rock exhibits grey to grayish black color, depending on its weathering level. Due to weathering, feldspar was decomposed and dark minerals (biotite, amphiboles and pyroxene) lost their crystalline forms. Weathering on granodioritae appears to be lower with increasing depth and the rock is grayish black. The grayish black metallic minerals are concentrated 0.5 to 10cm thick on the top of weathered granodiorite basement. The weathered rock is impervious as feldspar in it was altered into clay. Chemical analyses by GSB laboratory of siderite a secondary mineral within the fractures of weathered basement rock and of kaolin from different boreholes of Maddhapara, Dinajpur Distric, are given in table ……….Respectively
Chemical analysis of Sedirite
The archen granodiorite lies at depth 130m to 152m. the granodiorite is grayish black, medium grained and is of granitic texture. The main constituents of the rock are feldspar and dark minerals, and the secondary minerals are quartz, calcite, metallic minerals (pyrite siderite), etc. Some of the fissures are filled with some secondary minerals, like calcite, siderite etc. the altered and fractured rocks lost their crystalline forms, colouring grayish black, but feldspar in the rocks exhibits apale red colour. The granodiorite is very old in age which was formed in Archen (?)era. One fissure occurs per 0.5-0.8m in the rock on average.
The micro-granodiorite is found in every borehole throughout the mine area. The rock occurs in the form of dyke, with thickness ranging from 2m to 15m and dip of 50˚~75˚. The rock is composed if feldspar, quartz, and dark minerals. It is black coloured due to a lare amount of dark minerals content. Minerals in the rock were tightly interlocked through silicification and thus, the rock is comparatively hard, some micro-granodiorite looks very similar to the gneiss texture, since dark minerals in the rock are concentrated in a certain direction. The micro-gronodiorite was altered and fractured in places by the structural influence. Joints and fracture planes are generally filled with veins of calcite, while pyrite being locally concentrated.
a) Rock Type: Predominantly Diorite, Quartz Diorite and Granite.
b) Grain size: medium to coarse grain.
c) Mineralogical Composition:
I. Essential Mineral: Plagioclase (42-61%),
Hornblende (19-53%)
Biotite (1-8%)
Quartz (1-7%)
K-feldspar (1-10%)
Titanite (<1%)
II. Accessory Mineral: Epidote, Pyrite, Chalcopyrite, Zircon,
SiO2 = 50।7-74.7 (wt, % )
Al2O3 = 13.1-17.5 (wt, % )
Fe2O3 = 0.8-10.1 (wt, % )
Na2O = 2.9-4.0 (wt, % )
K2O = 1.6-6.2 (wt, % )
CaO = 1.4-8.9 (wt, % )
MgO = 0.2-6.6 (wt, % )
TiO2 = 0.1-1.0 (wt, % )
MnO = 0.1-0.2 (wt, % )
6.5 (Mohs Hardness Scale)
Geomechanical Properties:
Physical and Mechanical Property of Maddhapara Hardrock.
Mine Activity
Mine project:
Bangladesh Oil, Gas & Mineral Corporation (petrobangla) and Korea south-south corporation (NAMNAM) entered into a contraet on 27th March 1994 for the development of a hardrock mine in Maddhapara, Dinajpur. Maddhapara lies in 25˚33΄15΄΄ N to 25˚34΄15΄΄N latitude and 89˚03΄30΄΄E to 89˚04΄53΄΄ E
NAMNAM carried out the geological and hydrogeological survey works such as pump tests, observation of change of groundwater level and geophysical logging in the boreholes, which contribute to clarify the mine area.
Mining geology :
The unique conception of underground mining of hard rock arose from the absence of such rocks in situ on or near the surface in Bangladesh. These rocks are suitable for coarse aggregate pitching, railway ballast and other multipurpose constructional works. After the discover of hard rock at shallow depth at Lalpukur in 1967 a mining project was prepared and submitted to the then Government.
The geological Survey drilles six exploratory wells. They encountering crystalline hard basement rocks in all of them, with the shallowest one at Maddhapara, encountered at depth of about 128m. following this discovery prospect of mining hard rock was seriously considered. In 1975 a Canadian firm Nenniger and Chenvert (SNC) was engaged to conduct a feasibility study for extracting hardrock. The SNCin its report (1977) concluded that development of an underground mine for hard rock extraction at maddhapara would be technically and economically feasible.
In 1987, the Ocerseas Economic Co-operation Fund (OECF) of Japan extended a loan to Bangladesh government to conduct a study on the Maddhapara hardrock mining area. Nippion Koal Co Ltd, of Japan carried out the study with a local consultant who submitted the reaport in 1990, outlining suggestions on the proposed mining project. Finally, acontract for the implementation of mining project was signed with the South-South Coorperation ( Nam Nam ) representing North Korea government. This mine will be established by North Korea, and handed over to Bangladesh in an operational stage. It has been agreed that North Korea woll provide a fund of about 522core as suppliers credit, for the Tk 697core hard rock mining project at Maddhapara. Bangladesh will pay rest of the fund. The above loan will be repaid to North Korea from the sale of extracted hard rocks.
Mining method.
The underground mining method is applied in Maddhapara granite mine. The room and pillar method of underground mining is apply here. The underground mining operation is operate by two verticals shafts, each of them 5m in diameter and 240m apart from one another (Fig-…). The shafts have depth of 250m and 290m, respectively. Three mining development tunnels such Ventilation, production, transportation are excavated at depth level of 194m, 213m, 238m with connection to vertical shafts. The main mining operation cover an area of 1.2km by 1.2km with the shafts approximately in the center and with the level limited between 194m and 238m below the surface.
Tunnels is the underground routes driven through the particular formation without distributing overlaying soil formation or rocks. I .e. a tunnel is a horizontal or near horizontal excavation that is open to the ground surface at each end.
Tunneling is the main elements for mining industry.The underground mine tunnels are driven through the ground after constraction of mine shaft. Tunnels are used for various purpose such as transportation ,ventilation , reaching to the mineral resource for excavation.
Tunnel description.
i) Made into natural material(rocks)
ii) Empty inside
iii) Carry the loads
iv) Both ends are open to atmosphere
v) Generally horizontal
vi) Thick walled structure looks like cylinder
Terminology for tunneling .
Terminology of tunneling is as follows…
i) Drilling
ii) Augering
iii) Machine boring
iv) Blasting
v) Scraping
vi) Ripping
vii) Digging
viii) Groundwater
Terminology for underground tunneling.
i) Adit
ii) Tunnel
iii) Subway
iv) Shaft
v) Chamber
vi) Portal
vii) Pilot adit
viii) Center
ix) Face
x) Wall~site
xi) Floor
xii) Roof
xiii) Overbreak
xiv) Excavted profile
xv) Natural arching
xvi) Support
xvii) Failure
xviii) Gentel failure
xix) Long term stability
xx) Ground treatment
xxi) Jet gourted roof cover
xxii) Shortcreet initial lining
xxiii) Jet gourted floor cover
xxiv) Top heading
xxv) Invert
xxvi) Final concrete kining
xxvii) Shield tunneling methods
xxviii) Cut and cover tunneling methods
Lining .
The main purpose of lining are to resist the pressure from the surroundings (i.e. from the roof or sides or the floor ) and protect the shape of the tunnel. It also helps the cheaking the leakage of groundwater into the tunnel. It also provides a regular shapes to the tunnel
Figure 1.8 Simple expanded precast concrete lining used as initial ground support or as final ground support
Risk for tunneling .
Rock tunneling
i) Low rockhead convert at portals
ii) Weathered and fracture zone variation in intensity and frequency
iii) Adversely oriented discontinuities
iv) Faults shear zones
Soft ground .
i) Unexpected water inflow
ii) Groundwater chemistry
iii) Variations in soil stiffness, weathering, and other properties
iv) Variation in soil types e,g sand lensen
Man made and other.
i) Old mine working e,g old coal seams
ii) Unexpected building foundation
iii) Toxic or explosive gases
iv) Old seawalls
v) Land fill materials
vi) Ancient shafts condutts
Mine safety.
Mine safety are as follow’s
Personal protective equipment
1.head protection
2. Eye and face protection
3. hearing protection
4.Hand foot, and leg protection
5.Protection clothing
6. respiratory equipment
Sanitary facilities .
Suitable sanitation and hygienic facilities must be provide at mine and properly maintained.
Appropriate toilet facilities must be provides within a reasonable distance from each workplace at the mine.
Mine drys.
Potable water.
Mine climate.
The climate of the mine is determined by the temperature and humidity of the mine air.
Mine danger’s
i) Toxic gases
ii) Caving
iii) sliding
Mine Visit :
The Mine area can be describe in two parts.
1. Residential area
2. Mining district
Residential area.
In residential area there is many office for Mine Engineer’s and Officer’s. There is also a resident block for Engineer’s and Officer’s. There is a vichel yard.
Mining area.
Mining district covered a 1.2 square km area. From its underground the hard is acquired. All essential building for the Mine is constructed here. Mining district can be divided in two area.
i) surface building
ii) underground mine area
Surface building.
Significant surface building are as follow :
Welfare building.
This building controlled and supplied the essential mechanical and safety support ( wearing cloth, helmet, gum boot, mask ) for all Officer’s , Mine Engineer’s , and Mine worker’s during get down and get out from the mine.
Cage winder building.
Winder machine is situated here. This building controlled the entrance of cage shaft by winder machine.
Skip winder building.
It is a permanent architect.Skip winder machine is situated here. This building controlled the lifting the hard rock from mine by skip shaft.
Compressed house
It is an essential building. To operate many numeric instrument inside or outside of mine and supply compressed air into the mine.
Maintenance workshop.
In this building instruments are maintained which are used in mine.
Crushing and sorting plant.
Different size of rocks are formed from this plant. From here lifted rock is transported from skip shaft into railway yard by conveyers.
Railway tract.
Lifted hard rock is transported in different area in the country by this railway. There is 12.5km rail line from Parbatipur to mine area. It reduces the transportation cost.
Electrical sub station.
Under the maintenance of Petrobangla there is a electrical substation of 2×10 MV.
Without these there is a generator building, a control room.
Under ground mine area
The tunnel is room and pillar in structure. In the tunnel there is copressed air supply line, signal cable’s, water supply line, electricity supply line, and locomotive .
The water which is used during drilling and water which come from the rock is restore in water ledgement .
Pump station.
In the pump station there are five pump’s. By the pump water from the water ledgement is transported onto the surface.
There are five stope’s . from where the hard rock is collected by blasting.
Workshop’s .
There is workshop for repairing the instrument which are used in the mine for drilling, blasting, and loading and unloading.
At presented 800-1000 tons granite is collected from 5 stope per day in one shift.
Production potential.
When the Mine come into full production we will get 5000 tons granite per day. If the development work of 131 stopes is complete properly we will get 1.6 million tons rock per year for 70 years.
Manpower .
Total 446
i) Officer -94
ii) Worker – permanent 50 + temporary 12
iii) Mine worker(by out source agents) -290
Economic Aspect :
The rock of Madhapara Hardrock mine is suitable for all construction such as Road construction, Bridge construction, building etc.
The Sell Value of hard rock is given below….
Rock Size Per ton sell value +vat (USA Dollars)
Bolder 80-650mm 15.9
Crushed rock 05-20mm 20.9
Crushed rock 20-40mm 17.9
Stone dust 0+5mm 7.05
Courtesy by
Sabbir Ahamed
Petroleum & Mining Engineering
Jessore University of Science & Technology,
very much informative and helpful.nicely written.
ReplyDeleteNicely present with have more infomative article
ReplyDeleteThanks a lot dear sir. i'm a Student of Shahjalal University of science and technology,Sylhet under Department of petroleum and Mining Engineering(PME) i have an assessment about "Moddhopara hard rock mine" but i can't find huge amount of information at a place sequencly. but your article almost(85%) all date have. i it's helped a lot to complete my assessment.
ReplyDeleteThanks Again.
Saidul islam