To extract coal from Barapukuria Coal Mining Company (BCMC) us
ing the method of Inclined Slicing Roof Caving Long Wall Mining
along the Strike, and the sequence of slices mining from top to bottom. Mining
of 1101 coal face initiates caving from the lowest strata in the immediate roof
and propagates upward into the Gondwana Formation and up to the base of lower
Dupi Tila.
The redistribution of stresses analyze by the Peng (1986) and
Wilson (1981) method, and the result shows that the stresses are relatively
large; of which affect the surrounding rock mass and the next slice solid coal
measure. The main concern of caving process relating to subsidence occurrence
at the ground surface of the BCMC site is the development of subsidence
troughs. By applying NBC (England, 1975) method, it is estimated that at around
0.75 m ground subsidence may occur for the mining of 1st face, and successively for the mining of 5th slice
the ground subsidence may 2.25 m occur, of which is relatively difficult to
control the ground response and a violent interaction effects may anticipated.
Filling process can not eliminate subsidence but reduce it if the
operation is carried out to a higher standard and to allow an increase in
the percentage of recovery of the coal over the caving mining methods. The hydraulic filling materials can reduce the
effects of subsidence at around 8% from its total caving of 30% in a non
filling condition, also the degree of curvature on the subsidence profile and
consequently result in a reduction of tensile and compressive strain on the
ground surface. However it is recognized that implication of hydraulic filling
operation may eventually necessary to control strata movements and reducing of
mining problems may arise from multi level mining conditions in the very thick
seam like Barapukuria condition. Again, such a high risk mining methods must be
avoided because failure of the project would be totally unacceptable for
economic, political and social grounds of the country. Its failure would
seriously jeopardize any future mining prospects in the country. Incorporation
of this thesis work to the mine authority will facilitate guideline and provide
an integrated tool for future longwall planning and design of the mine
Location .
Maddhapara hardrock Mine is
located in Maddhapara , Dinajpur , Bangladesh. Its geographical coordinates are
25˚ 33΄ 15΄΄ N to 25˚34΄ 15΄΄ N latitude and 89˚ 3΄ 30΄΄E to 89˚ 4΄ 53΄ E longitude
(see map 1.) Maddhapara hardrock Mine is 330km away from Dhaka, the capital of
Bangladesh and 14km away from phulbari Dinajpur.
Fig.2.1Location map of the Barapukuria in Bangladesh showing
probable depth of the coal
Climate :
As Bangladesh belongs to
the tropical zone, the climate in the mine area is characterized by hot season
in summer, moderate in monsoon and cool in winter.
Average temperature in June
is the highest, with a maximum of 38.8˚c and average temperature in January the
lowest, with a minimum of 7˚c. (Table 1-1)
Monthly average temperature
based on data available with Dinajpur Meteorological observation Station is given
in Table 1-1.
Monthly Average Temperature in 1998 & 1999 (Unit : Degree
Table 2-1
YearJan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 1998Min 25.529.732.637.037.839.834.84.035.534.831.229.24Max 7.08.512.016.021.824.024.824.823.819.414.210.21999Max 27.032.736.036.536.837.835.735.734.033.531.229.2Min
Bangladesh has a heavy
rainfall and the mine area has rainfall equivalent to 85 percent of annual
rainfall in the monsoon season between June and October and little rainfall in
the dry season from November to May the following year. Monthly rainfall based on
data available with Dinajpur Meteorological Observation Station is given in
Table 1-2
Monthly rainfall in 1998
& 1999 (Unit mm)
Table 2-2
Year Monthly
rainfall (mm)Total annual rainfall
(mm)Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 19982.017.024.0146.0162.6251.8722.6523.0315.0380.0002354.8199900068.0368.0274.0394.0727.0586.4234.54.002589.6
The highest annual
humidity was at the year 1987(84) and the lowest was at the year 1981(69). A
correlation between precioitation and humidity values of the study area can be
found. Higher humidity has occurred in the low precipitation year.
Geomorphology :
Topography :
Bangladesh is dominantly a plain and so is Barapukuria Mine area
which is table land . this table land extends across Northern Bangladesh FROM
Comilla in the east through Rajshahi division to West Bengal on India in the
west. Historically known as the Barind Tract , contains the BARAPUKURIA COAL
MINE site and extends over an area of more then 7800 sq km . In the area
elevation generally varies from 10m to a little over 40m above sea level and
depicts more or less a flat topography. Elevation of the Barapukuria coal mine
area varies from 28m to 30m above see level.
Physiography :
Barapukuria coal mining
area and its environs are formed by the deposition of three different materials, e.g. Piedmont
Alluvium, Tista Alluvium and Barind Tract . The Piedmont plains occur
throughout most of Dinajpur District and of Rangpur District.
The old Himalayan Piedmont plain is a part of a gigantic allucial
fan formed by the Tista River, before it abandoned the landscape. The generally
consist of gently undualing ridges with intervening broad sometimes narrowly
leveled depression. The Tista Alluvium is underlain by Recent to Sub-Recent and
older Floodplain. Barindra Tract presents somewhat alluvium termed the Mdupur
Soil condition :
Alluvium deposit has not taken place in and around the site of
drilling operation at Barapukuria . The Madhupur clay is either exposed at the
surface or concealed under a thin soil layer less then one m thick, formed from
the weathering of the red clay. Due to the removal of the clayey materials, the
soil has become more sandy than the parent rock.
s A limited quantity of ferruginous concretions still remain mixed
in the soil. In and around the study area two main types of soil have been
identified, which are piedmont and Tista floodplain soil and Barindra Tract
Drainage :
The entire Tableland is
surrounded by two major river system, Jamuna and Ganges. An impervious red clay
layer covers most of the tableland area and limits direct seepage of rainwater.
This causes the water to drain along shallow streams that flow from north to
south. Fragmented agricultural land hold some rain water for rice irrigation. A
major part of this water is ultimately evaporated.
The regional rivers
mainly drain the local runoff. Stream flow is the major component of regional
surface water. Kharkharia and Tulshiganga rivers floeing from north join the
Jamuna river. Two other rivers, Nagor and Bhadal passing through the
southeastern part meet the Karatoa-Atrai-Gur-GUMAIN-Hurasagar river flowing
through the southern boundary. Jamuneswari-karatoa is the principal river in
the area.
This river is the
downstream portion of Deonai-Charalkata river. It has two other smaller
tributaries, but these tributaries carry small amount of water during monsoon
only. Jamuneswari enters the area at Badarganj in Badarganj Upzila and it
leaves through Mithapukur Thana. Spills from the Brahmaputra river into are
controlled by the Brahmaputra right Embankment. The Barind Tract is crossed by
a number of rivers occupying faults troughs.
Most of the rivers
within the study area are small in size and flow. Phase 2 falls within a
boundary formed by the Chirnai and Kala river is distributary of the Chirnai
and separates at Kisamat Union. But it again coalesces with the river as a
tributary at Debipur Union. The river runs for about 10kms, independently . no
significant drainage system is available within Phase 3. there are many ponds
within the area.
Mostly are local few
naturals . surface area of standing water bodies, such as, haors, baors and
beels excluding ponds and tanks was surveyed by SPARRSO (1986). In the study
area there are 5 standing water bodies, beels and blocked river channels. Total
surface area of standing water bodies are 254 km( MPO, 1985)
elements play the vital role in the geological development of a region and for
evaluating the economic resources of Bangladesh. It is essential to have a
clear conception about the major tectonic zonation of the country.
geotectonic of Bangladesh has been suffering both from oversimplification and
over-complication i.e. the geology of Bangladesh is a complex one and also of
the study area. A series of articles worked out concerning the tectonic
framework of Bengal Basin and its adjoining areas by several workers regarded
in the course of Morgan and mclnter, 1966; and follow the same way in a very
recent time by Islam, 2002.
constitutes the major part of the Bengal Basin where immense thickness of
sedimentary formations rest on the ancient igneous and metamorphic pre-Cambrian
Archaen Basement. These formations range in age from Permo-Carboniferous,
through Jurassic and Cretaceous, to Tertiary and Quaternary and are up to 20 km
thick in the vicinity of Dhaka. In the north-western part of the country (out
side of the Bengal Basin) the basement is present at much shallower depth where
Archean rocks are covered directly by late-Tertiary sediments, as little as 128
m thick at Madhyapara Hardrock Mine area. Within the basement, it has been
postulated from regional geophysical surveys that a number of small basins
occur - probably faulted or half-faulted grabens - where sediments of the coal
bearing Gondwana Formation is present, concealed by the ubiquitous cover of
Tertiary sediments. These mostly continental Gondwana sediments were deposited
within the ancient southern super-continent of Gondwanaland when the Indian
sub-plate was directly ‘attached’ to Southern Africa, Antarctica and Australia.
ancient Gondwanaland mass was broken up in Cretaceous time when the Indian
sub-plate commenced it’s global wandering from near the South Pole to where it
is today, colliding in Tertiary time with the relatively stable landmass of
Eurasia, the northern super-continent, leading to the creation of the massive
crustal upheaval which formed the
largely covers two tectonic elements: a) Indian Platform- a stable shelf with
reduced thickness of sediment; and b) Bengal Foredeep- a deeper part of the
basin with rapid increase of individual formation thickness. The Indian
Platform or Stable Shelf part in Bangladesh constitutes the southwestern part
of the Platform and covers almost two-third of the Rajshahi Division that is
conventionally subdivided into three tectonic events (Haque, 1975; Guha, 1978)
as: (a) Dinajpur Slope (northern slope of the Rangpur Saddle); (b) Rangpur Saddle;
and (c) Bogra Slope (southern slope of the Rangpur Saddle). Tectonic map of
Bangladesh and its adjoining area is shown in Fig. 4.1
In the
recent year, on the basis of gravity field analysis and bore hole data, Khan
(1991); and Khan & Rahman (1992) have proposed revised tectonic
classification of the region (Fig. 4.2) as: northern slope of the Platform;
Stable Platform; Nowabgonj-Gaibandha-Intra-cratonic High; and southern slope of
the Platform.
Rangpur Saddle is a possible connection between Indian Platform and Shillong
Massif with the thinnest sedimentary cover over the basement is about 128m at
Madhyapara. The width of the Saddle is 97 km, which slopes both sides towards
north and south forms an oval shaped body (Zaher and Rahman, 1980). The
northern slope of the Rangpur Saddle (Dinajpur Slope) is about 64 km wide and
slopes towards the Sub-Himalayan Foredeep and this part is sseperated from the
stable platform by a series of faulting. Two prominent of them trends towards
east-west and the others takes a sudden south-eastward swing (Khan and Rahman,
1991, 1992). However presences of intrusive bodies are inferred from records of
few small magnetic anomalies in the area. The southern slope of the Rangpur
Saddle (Bogra Slope) is 64 to 129 km wide and extends up to Hinge Zone. The
inclination of basement is gentle up to Bogra, which increases further
southeastwards. In this area Gondwana sediment were deposited in the faulted
troughs or subsiding basins in the Basement Complex (Zaher and Rahman, 1980).
saddle area has severely suffered from faulting of different age, as it is
evident from Geophysical survey (Fig- ). Multiple faulting along the Jamuna and
Ganges rivers down thrown the region, make it's a graben type structure
corresponding to the horst structure of Shillong Massif and Mikir Hills (Khan,
1991). Networking of this fault ultimately made up as many as five fault
bounded Gondwana basins in the area (Uddin and Islam, 1992; Islam, 1993; Khan,
1996). Moreover the aeromagnetic map shows that the frequency of faulting is
low over the basement of the stable platform. The faults observed within these
tectonic elements are actually existed during the Gondwana period formed
intrabasinal horsts and graben. This is the characteristics feature of the
Gondwana basins of Peninsular India (Datta, 1983; Mitra and Rao, 1987).
the Barapukuria basin is located in the Rangpur saddle of the Indian Platform.
The Rangpur saddle is a possible connecting block of the Indian Shield and
Rajmahal hill in the west and the Shillong Massif in the east. The block is 96
km wide and is traversed by NW-SE and N-S trending fault together with NE-SW
trending faults. As evident from the regional gravity data, the area is
subdivided into smaller uplifted ridges (horsts) and subsided basins (graben
and hlf-graben) (Bakr, 1996; Islam,1993, 2002).
The coal
bearing Gondwana intra-cratonic basins (graben and half-graben) have been
discovered in many gravity lows within the basement of Rangpur saddle and
adjoining areas (Islam and Uddin, 1993; Islam, 1994 ) i.e, Kuchma, Jamalgonj,
Barapukuria, Khalispir, Dighipara, Phulbari etc (fig.-). It is believed that
such types of graben were formed as a result of post-Gondwana rifting in the
Gondwanaland. These types of basis are thought to be down warped blocks of the
platform into the basement complex and are found to contain coal bearing
sediments in different continents, like Australia, Africa and Antarctica. The
Barapukuria basin is thought to be one such subsided basins or graben within
the basement (Islam, 1993, 1994, 2002).
general structure of the Barapukuria Coal Mine area is a single syncline
spreading along N-S direction and cut by faults (CMC, 1994). The syncline is
not symmetrical with a length and general axis of strike of 64 km and N 100 W respectively. The strata of the west limb are flat with dip
angle of 70-160 in general, up to 270.
The east limb is cut by fault with dip 300-400 in
general up to 500. The extensive seismic and drilling survey by the
Wardell Armstrong during 1988-1990 provides geological structure of the
Barapukuria basin and is shown in Fig. 4.3.
The Barapukuria basin is an asymmetrically faulted half-graben
type intracratonic basin. This half-graben structure is imparted by a major N-S
trending eastern boundary fault (Fig. 4.3). The existence of this fault along
with two other faults (NNE-SSW and NNW-
faults) has been proved by the borehole data of the GSB and their extents and
strikes have only been predicted. However this major fault has affected the
Basement Complex & thought to be plane of active subsidence along the
south-eastern extremity of the basin and marked less subsidence to the North.
At least
nine faults have been discovered by the exploratory Jiangsu Coal Geology
Company, CMC; 1994. All the faults are thought to be of normal type, as
demarcated by Fa, Fb to Fi respectively. The major faults as observed in the
basin are described below:
fault or eastern boundary fault (N-S fault): This is a major
normal fault with high-angle dip towards the west, which has marked the eastern
boundary of this basin providing the half-graben structure (Fig. 3.3). Due to
this faulting, the western block is down thrown by at least 518 m, as measured
from the variation of abrupt depth the basement in boreholes GDH-40 and GDH-44.
The deepest part of the basin is located near this fault (around GDH-40).
fault or NNE-SSW Intra-basinal fault: This fault has been
traced in between boreholes GDH-39 and GDH-43 from the discontinuity of the
coal seams and depth variation of basement in these two holes. Instead of
western block, the eastern one is down thrown by at least 152 m as estimated
from the borehole data. This fault is limited within the basin and is of normal
type, which dips towards east (Fig. 3.3).
fault or NNE-SSW trending fault: This is also a normal
fault and is present in the southwestern part of the basin as inferred from the
variation in depth of basement and major coal seam-VI in bore holes GDH-38 and
GDH-42. The southwestern block is down thrown by at least 182 m. This fault has
disrupted the western boundary of the basin (Fig. 3.3). The southward extension
of this fault is uncertain but appears to dissect the southern basin.
this Wardell Armstrong has identified another small fault in the southwestern
corner of this basin, which has dissected the basin and pushed northward by a
reasonable amount. Due to this faulting, the structure becomes complex (Fig.
3.3). These faults along with the NNW-SSE and NNE-SSW faults are considered to
be sympathetic faults (Bakr et. al., 1996). Although five major unconformities
have been noticed in the basinal area, each represents a major period of
erosional or non-depositional phase of which is shown in Table.3.1 (Islam,
2002). A local unconformity is also identified between lower and Upper Dupi
Tila Formation.
Barapukuria basin area is a plain land covered with Recent Alluvium and
Pleistocene Barind Clay Residuum. The stratigraphic succession of this basin
has been established on the basis of bore hole data (Bakr el al.,; 1986; Islam, 1987). The sedimentary
rocks of Gondwana Group, Dupi Tila Formation, Barind Clay Residuum, and
Alluvium of the Permian, Pliocene, Pleistocene and Recent ages respectively
were encountered in the bore holes which lie on the Pre-cambrian Basement
Complex. A large gap in sedimentary record is present in between Gondwana Group
and Dupi Tila Formation, which are most probably happened due to the erosional
or non-depositional phase exit during Triassic to Pliocene age (Islam, 1994).
The stratigraphic succession in the Barapukuria basin of Dinajpur district is
given in Table: 4.1.
Stratigraphic succession of the Barapukuria basin.
thickness, mHolocene Alluvium Silty
clay 1.83Pleistocene Barind Clay Residuum Clay and sandy
clay10.36Pliocene Dupi
Tila Upper Sandstone, pebbly sandstone and
clay/mudstone 126.82LowerSandstone, claystone and mudstone with silica and
white clay Permian Gondwana Feldspathic sandstone, carbonaccous
sandstone and shale, ferruginous sandstone, conglomertes, and coal
beds. 457.32PrecambrianBasement Complex Diorite, granodiorite,
quartzdiorite, granite, and diorite gneiss 14.32+
complex: It is the oldest rock sequence and conjectured the age as
Archaen, of which occurs at different depths in different boreholes are faults
controlled (Bakr et. al., 1996). The rocks are mainly granodioritic and quartz
dioritic, which are light grey to light greenish grey; holocrystalline, coarse
grained and equigranular. They are composed mainly of plagioclase feldspar,
hornblende, quartz and biotite. The diorite is dark grey to greenish grey,
medium to fine grained. The rocks are fractured and the fracture planes are
filled up with reddish (siderite?) and white (calcite) secondary minerals.
granite is light colored (pinkish, greenish or greyish), holocrystalline,
medium to coarse grained, anhedral, and porphyritic. It is composed of feldspar,
mica, and dark minerals. The rocks are highly fractured and the fracture planes
contain iron oxides, calcite, and other greenish secondary minerals. The
diorite gneiss and schist are grey to greenish grey coloured, medium grained
and equigranular. The rocks are obliquely fractured which are filled with white
colored secondary mineral. The fracture planes are inclined from 450 to 600 (Bakr et. al., 1996).The above said rock
will be exploited from the adjacent Madhyapara Hard rock mining project, Dinajpur
of which mainly used as building materials.
group: The Gondawan group unconformably overlies the Archean
Basement Complex and consisted of feldspathic sandstone, carbonaceous
sandtsone, ferrugineous sandstone, carbonaceous shale/mudstone, conglomerte and
coal. In the Barapukuria basin, the depth of the Gondawana sediments ranges
from 118 to 190 m below the surface and the thickness of which varies from 117
to 475 m. Deposition of Gondawana sediments commenced from the Early Permian
time with a well-marked unconformity at the top. Based on lithology and
sedimentary structure, the Gondwana rocks are divided into five distinct
lithofacies (Bakr, et. al., 1996) as: a) conglomerate facies, b) sandstone with
mudstone facies, c) coal facies, d) sandstone facies, and e) sandstone with
coal, mudstone and conglomerate facies.
The coal
in the coal facies in Barapukuria basin is dull black to shiny black in color
and vitreous to subvitrious in luster. In most cases, the coal is banded, and
at places the coal grades into shaly coal and carbonaceous shale. Thin
carbonaceous bands are also present in the coal beds. Glossopteris and Gangamopteris flora are common
in the coal beds. The coal is fractured and blocky in nature and others are
conchoidal. Slickensides, microfaults and slope failure features are present in
this coal facies.
deposits of coal of early Permian age (Islam, 1994, 1996, 2002) have been
discovered in the Gondwana sediments of the Barapukuria basin. Seven coal seams
have been identified in this Formation, extended over an area of 1.5 sq. km
(proved) and the inferred area is about 3 sq. km. The maximum and minimum
composite thickness of coal seams is about 79.57m and 25.62m respectively. In
terms of coal reserve, which is potentially available to the Barapukuria basin
in seam-VI, Contributes over 90% of it’s total proved reserve because of its
extreme thickness (avg.36m) and its presence over the greater aerial extent.
The project is based on mining this seam only, detailed lithological
description of this seam is given below:
(a) The
section of coal seam-vi floor: The rock strata under the coal seam,
called floor. It is composed of low strength rock strata, such as grayish black
carbonaceous siltstone, containing plant fossil fragments and medium to fine
grained feldspathic sandstone. This section mainly composed of quartz, mica and
dark colored minerals. The phenomena of slip, expansion, upheaval and extruding
supports may happen to affect the roof control in this section.
(b) The
section of coal seam-vi: It is the target horizon that would be mined out, which
comprises of Semi-dull coal, bandy texture, pitch luster and mostly dull coal,
interbedded with thin beds of bright coal and vitrain bands of carbonaceous
mudstone. In some cases horizontal bedding and well-developed internal fissures
with steep angles contains pyrite film.
(c) The
section of false roof of seam-vi: It’s a thin
rock-stratum sticking to the coal seam, which is very easy to collapse. The
thickness of the roof is generally less than 0.5m. During mining, it falls
simultaneously with the coal seam. This section belongs to the range of rock
with lower stability and consists of bad integrated rock type of lower RQD
(Rock Quality Designation) value, which indicates that the stability of seam-vi
roofs decreases markedly.
The false
roof mainly composed of carbonaceous mudstone and plant fossil, of higher
proportion of carbonaceous matter than other section. The rock sequences are of
virtain types and represents horizontal bedding structure.
(d) The
section of coal seam-vi roof: The rock strata overlying the coal seam,
called roof rock. It may be whether immediate or main roof, the immediate roof
will collapse immediately after prop drilling but the main roof remains a long
unsupported length without taking in gob. In Barapukuria coal mine the
immediate roof mostly absent.
the main roof mainly consists of greish white,coarse grained sandstone and
gravel deposits, at the lower part a little siderite is present in some places
and also interbedded carbonaceous and vitrain bands of wavy bedding.
Tila Formation: The Dupi Tial Formation unconformably overlies the Gondwana
Group. The depth of the Dupi Tila Formation ranges from 9 to 12m below the
surface with a thickness from 108 to 188 m. On the basis of lithology, the Dupi
Tila Formation is divided into two members with a local unconformity between
Lower member: Depth of this member ranges from 114 to 135 m with a
thickness varies from 15 to 67 m. In the northern part of the basin, this
member is absent. Based on the lithology, the lower Dupi Tila member is divided
into two facies as i) sandstone and ii) sandstone and mudstone facies. The
sandstone is assumed to be the channel deposits. The coarse and fine clastics
in this facies indicate the deposition by over-bank flooding of a stream that
indicates that the stream was often laterally shifted.
Upper Member: The thickness of this member ranges from 104 to 126 m. This
member is divided into three major lithofacies: sandstone facies, pebbly
sandstone facies, and clay with sandstone facies. The characters of the
lithofacies correspond to the concentrated fluid flow on the transverse bars of
a shallow river to floodplain deposits. The alteration of sandstone and clay
may be due to lateral migration of the depositing media (Bakr, et. al., 1996).
Clay Residuum: In this formation, only the red clay facies is recognized
and unconformably overlies the Dupi Tila Formation. The thickness of this
litho-facies ranges from 8 to 10 m. The clay is yellowish brown to reddish
brown and mottled but soft and very sticky when wet. Prolong exposure of the
Dupi Tila sediments during Pleistocene time is considered to be the prime
factor for the formation of the clay facies. In this region, it bears the
characteristics of an ideal paleosol.
Alluvium: This
is the top most formation of the area, lies unconformably over the Barind Clay
Residuum and composed of light grey and silty clay. This formation includes the
silty clay facies with average thickness of about one meter resulting from
residual processes, which is intermingled by the present day fluvial sediments.
For any mine field operation, it is essential to have a clear
conception about the hydro geological condition of the area, for a safe and
effective mine construction as well as mine development, the stratum
temperature at different level (originated by geothermal heat and ground water
flow) and the hydro geological condition would be favorable. As we know, Coal
mining and associated reclamation operations alter the equilibrium of
ground-and surface-water flow system. The type and degree of hydrologic impacts
vary with the size of the operation, the method of mining, and the manner in
which the site is reclaimed.
The principal constraints to the design of the BCMP relate to the
great thickness (average 36 m) of seam V1 which contains some 90% of the
reserves, and the presence of massive Gondwana sandstones and unconsolidated
Dupi Tila Formation .The later Formation represents a major aquifer over the
whole mine area and for many thousands of square kilometers aerial extent. It
is at least 100 meters in thickness reaching185m in the southern part of the
mine area and extends from beneath a shallow covering of Barind clay residuum
to its geologically unconformable contact with the Ground water measures.
The Dupi Tila Formation and Gondwana sandstone that is known to be
hydraulic continuity with the coal seamV1, represent a major potential hazard
to the mine from water inflow. The hydrogeology of the Barapukuria coal deposit
has accordingly been the subject of an extensive investigation from exploratory
drilling work to still today mine trail basis production period.
The current exploration activity in the Barapukuria coal mine
field represents a much more complex hydro-geological condition than that
described in the original exploration report. It suffers variations of water
inflow and difficulties in terms of mining technology. Maintaining the basic
design of the mine development plan, unfortunately (5th April 2005) severe water inrush occurred in the central
district of the mine and water logged condition arises. Therefore, the basic
design of the mine, especially the parts regarding to mining system and
facilities for provisions against flooding would be modified and readjusted.
Barapukuria coal mine is an independent Gondwana coal bearing
basin which is controlled by half-fault graben, and unconformably laid on the
denuded Archean Basement Complex. Drilling data shows that strata can be
divided in to four units, such as Basement complex, Gondwana group, Dupi Tila
formation and Barind Residium Clay.
A number
of exploratory boreholes have been drilled in and around the Barapukuria coal
Mine area and location of which is shown in Fig.1.1. According to the
lithological characteristics of strata obtained during exploration activities
and correlation of stratigraphy with aquifer characteristics, the
hydrostratigraphic succession of the study area as described by CMC (1994) is
given in Table 5.1.
unitHydrostratigraphic unitsLithologyAverage thickness, mPleistoceneBarind Clay
ResidiumAquicludeClay and Sandy clay 10PlioceneUpper Dupi
TilaAquiferMedium sand interbeded with fine sand, pebbly grit and thin
clay.104Lower Dupi TilaAquicludeWeathered residual clay, clay silts, sandstone
interbeded with silty mudstone and course grain quartz.80PermianGondwana
I) Sandstone of
Seam VI Roof
II) Sandstone of Seam VI Floor
Medium to
coarse-grained sandstone and Pebbly sandstone, interbeded with coal seam I to
V; also siltstone and mudstone.
Medium to
coarse grained Sandstone, Grit stone, interbeded with thin medium to fine
grained Sandstone, Siltstone and Mudstone are some times
Fine grained sandstone, Medium to fine grained sandstone
interbeded with siltstone, carbonaceous mudstone and 2/3 beds of tuffy
a) Upper Section
b) Lower Section
igneous, and metamorphic rocks with sandy and muddy fragments interbeded with
fine grained sandstone, Carbonaceous mudstones and molted mudstones at bottom.
Granodiorite, quartz, diorite and diorite gneiss.
Table 2.3
Hydrostratigraphic succession of the Barapukuria coal Mine area.
Clay Residium: Hydrostratigraphically this formation is called aquiclude,
which has an average thickness of 10m.This aquiclude is thick in the
northwestern part and thin in the southeastern part and mainly consisted of
brown yellow sandy clay with a infiltration rate of about 1.5mm/d.
Dupi Tila (UDT): The Upper Dupi Tila is an aquifer constituting the major
ground water reservoir in the mine area with an average thickness of about 104
m and depth of the floor varies from 102 to 136 m. Its thickness is low in the
southern and northern side while thick and deep to the center eastwards and
mainly consisted of medium sand beds interbedded with fine sand, pebbly grit
and thin clay beds. Pumping test data during dry season shows that elevation of
water level and specific discharge values are +23.55 and 7.65 L/s respectively
indicating relatively well watery condition. The hydraulic gradients, average
transmissivity, permeability, storage coefficient and specific yield values of
UDT are 0.0004-0.0006, 12000 m2/d, 0.004 and 25-30%
respectively (CMC, 1994). The movement of groundwater in the area is from the
northeast to southwest direction.
Dupi Tila (LDT): It is an aquiclude and consisted of grayish white weathered
residual clay and clayey silt of thickness 80 m where the depth of the floor
varies from 115 to 118m. The horizontal and vertical permeability values of LDT
are 5.15 ´ 10E-4
to 9.5 ´ 10-5 m/d, and 2.0 ´ 10-5 respectively indicating comparative aquiclude and poor
watery nature.
Sandstones: It represents completely an aquifer system and the coal seam
VI divides this in to upper and lower sections as:
Upper section: Sandstone aquifer of upper section of thickness 156 m is
located in the center of the basin and consisted of medium to coarse-grained
sandstones and pebbly sandstone interbedded with seam I to V, siltstone and
mudstone. The rocks are friable or loose and feldspars are generally
kaolinized. The vertical tensile cracks are well developed and mostly filled
with mud or pyrite films. The elevation of the water level, specific discharge
and permeability values are +27.22m, 0.051 l/s and 158 m/d respectively
indicating poor watery condition of this section. For relatively far from seam
VI, this aquifer has comparatively poor effect on the development of coal (CMC,
Lower section: The thickness of this section varies from 107 to 244 m and
becomes thicker from northwestern and southeastern parts towards the central
part of the basin and consisted of medium to coarse grained sandstone, gritstone
and conglomerate, interbedded with mudstone and siltstone. The specific
discharge, hydraulic gradient, average transmissivity, permeabilities, average
porosities, specific yield and storage coefficient values are 0.0929 l/s,
0.002, 25 m/d, 0.0001 to 0.4 m/d, 15%, 6%, and 0.001 to 0.0001 respectively
indicating poor watery condition. The movement of groundwater is from
southeastern part towards center of the basin.
Complex: It is divided as follows:
Upper section – Breccia aquiclude: It has a thickness of 23
to 84m and consisted of light grey, grayish green sedimentary rocks, igneous
rocks and metamorphic rocks with sandy and muddy fragments, interbedded with
light grey fine grained sandstones or carbonaceous mudstones and mottled
mudstones at the bottom. The permeability values vary from 0.001 to 0.006 m/d
and relatively aquiclude.
Lower section - Basement aquiclude: It is mainly
consisted of light green to grayish green granodiorite, quartz diorite and
diorite gneiss of thickness ranges from 9 to 53m and is characterized by a
relatively aquiclude.
Barapukuria Coal Mine area, the watery properties of the different aquifers
become poor downwards. The upper sand horizon of UDT is very well watery while
the lower is moderate with apparent decrease.
The water levels were measured at 22 boreholes in the Barapukuria
Coal Mine area by W.A. Company in 1991 for the study of hydrogeological
characteristics, water level fluctuation and hydraulic relationships between
aquifers. The results of pumping test data analysis by W.A. Company reveals
that the upper and the lower sand horizon of UDT aquifer are thick and its
recharge condition is good. The pumping test data analysis of sandstones of
seam-vi roof and floor also reveals that the transmissivity of the aquifer is
good, storage quantities and recharging source are available. A good hydraulic
relationship has been indicated between the lower section of UDT and the
sandstone of seam-vi roof (CMC, 1994).
Rainfall is the main source of recharge to each aquifer. Water
levels during dry season and monsoon change as a cycle. Average monthly
rainfall varies from 6 to 59 mm in the dry season between the month of November
and April. The water levels fall gradiently during this period and minimum
elevations vary between +22.60 to +23.89 m on the month of March and April. On
the other hand, average monthly rainfall is from 236 to 482mm in the monsoon
between the month of May and September, which is about 87% of total annual
rainfall falls. During that time water levels keep rising and the maximum
elevations are ranges between +30.83 and +30.11m. Range of water level
fluctuations is 7.04 to 7.70m, no variation occurring in the relative
aquicludes (CMC, 1994).
A number
of faults are reported in the coal mine area by seismic survey. Because of
small thrown, no apparent fracture zone and poor watery base rocks,
water-filled spaces are poorly developed and transmissivities are generally
poor. But lithology and degree of cement, which control transmissivities of
faults, are poorly distributed in the mine area (CMC, 1994).
Barapukuria Coal Mine area is an incomplete syncline basin, which elongates
along north-south direction. The boundary of this basin in the east and the
west are faults and sub-crops of coal seams are occurred in the extremely in
the south and the north. Impervious boundary is consisted by the boundary
fault, which makes the coal series, contact with the metamorphic rocks of the
basement. The coal basin is overlain by sandy clay layers of Quaternary, which
have a thickness of 4 to 16m and limited infiltration of rainfall and ground
surface water. An aquiclude of the LDT clay, which has a significance
thickness, varies up to 80m in the south. The basement of the seams is a
water-resisting layer also. Therefore, the coal mine area could be described as
an incomplete syncline hydrogeological unit, which receives some recharge and
is semi-confined. The seam roof is directly water-filing aquifer and is poorly
watery. The lower sands of UDT as directly water filling aquifer is
comparatively well watery, but it is confined by LDT clay aquiclude.
The total
water inflow from 1101’s development roadway i.e in the Track gate and Belt
gate road way is recorded by CMC at 10 day intervals by a flow meter, in the
drainage channel in 1101’s Track Cut Through roadway near the inclined
connection to the belt Dip Drive Chamber. Formulae for calculation of the flow
rate are:
V=C1Ín+C2 m/sec
Where, V=
velocity of water flow
n= time
of one flow meter revolution;
C1 and C 2 are calibration constants for
the flow meter in use.
Q =
w ÍdÍvÍ3600 m3/h
Where, Q=
flow rate;
W = width
of drainage channel
D = Depth
of flow
The result of these flow measurements from 6th November 2005 are given in Table. 4.2 And presented
graphically in Figures 5.1. It should be noted that the flows are inclusive of
water from the de- watering drill chambers located in 1101`s Track cut Through
roadway, estimated at approximately 50 m3/h.
Water inflow rate in the 1101 coal face roadway development. (IMCL, 2003,
Unpublished report)
Date Flow
(m3/h)Date flow (m3/h) Date Flow(m3/h)6-Nov-0260.0565-Feb-03173.6255-May-03361.37515-Nov-0254.89615-Feb-03183.62415-May-03365.19225-Nov-0270.00025-Feb-03201.24425-May-03369.8905-Dec-0264.5945-Mar-03221.7145-Jun-03341.98115-Dec-0270.00015-Mar-03245.68515-Jun-03365.42015-Jan-03 64.5945-Mar-03221.7145-Jun-03341.98125-Jan-03152.84725-Apr-03335.00025-Jul-03383.556
Both the Track and Belt roadways have been driven at, or very
close to the top of Seam VI and it is one of the least permeable coal zones of
the seam, characterized by localized lenticular mudstone horizons and typically
high ash content. Despite this, the greatest proportion of the inflowing water
issues from the coal seam, with only minor or negligible quantities form the
roof sandstone. The large volume of water flowing through the connection
originated from the coal exposed in the Belt Gate up dip. This appears to
contradict the hypothesis that the roof sandstone is the source of recharge of
the Seam VI aquifer (IMCL, 2003).
Fig.5.1. 1101’s coal face development Total Water Inflow/ Time.
The total
volume of water flowing into 1101’s developments has consistently increased as
the roadways have been extended, as shown in Figures 4.1 and 4.2. It is
concluded, therefore that the bulk of the flow is into the floor of the
roadways via the more permeable zone. This is supported by the fact that flow
rates in the Track Gate have shown a steady in crease generally in proportion
to roadway length. Flow rate in the Belt Gate increased significantly since
driving the inclined section of roadway up through the different seam zones
until the roof sandstone was reached. Again it is to be expected that flow
rates will be somewhat higher in he Belt Gate as this is at a higher elevation,
and also nearer to the sub crop of Seam VI beneath the Lower Dupi Tila
formation in the west.
water inflow from 1101’s developments is currently estimated at 383 m3/h (+10% for measurement error). When the face commences
production, this figure will increase very significantly as mining-induced
strains open natural jointing and fractures in the Gondwana sandstone sediments
above the seam. Critical stages will be reached with the initial “cave” and
when the face has retreated by about 100m; in other words, the waste has
attained a “square plan” (IMCL, 2003). The result of these flow measurements
from 5th January, 2005 is given in Table. 4.3 And presented
graphically in Figures 5.2 below.
Water inflow rate in the 1101 coal face roadway development. (IMCL, 2003,
Unpublished report)
Date Flow
(m3/h)DateFlow (m3/h)DateFlow (m3/h)26-July-05465.39916-May-005461.49406-Feb-005412.64816-July-05464.58505-May-005464.67216-Feb-005419.26206-July-05461.76725-Apr-005460.0525-Feb-005421.84325-June-05463.88815Apr-005454.90526-Jan-005411.18516-June-05461.2425-Apr-005464.67215-Jan-005423.7706-June-05467.14125-Mar-005459.72205-Jan-005441.66325-May-05470.54915-Mar-005444.49925-Dec-005431.663
Fig .2.5
In 1101’s Long wall coal face Total water Inflow/ Time.
As the
face will retreat to the dip, roof water flowing into waste will run forward
onto the face, and hence down dip to the Track Gate. At the present time, it is
uncertain what volume of water will be released by induced fractures and caving
in the roof, but it will be essential to monitor this carefully as 1101’s
The Barapukuria Coal Mine area is a semi-confined and incompleted
syncline with some recharge characteristics. Here the Tertiary strata overlie
the coal series as unconformity, and the lower sand horizons of UDT aquifer
overlie the sandstones of seam VI roof in the north. The deposits of LDT
aquiclude are stable in the southern part, and they cut down the direct
recharge from the lower sand horizons of UDT to the base rock aquifer. The
sandstone of seam VI is a directly water-filling aquifer, which has an affect
on mining. The lower UDT is indirect water filling bed.
The groundwater level shows that rainfall is the main source of
the water filling in the coal mine area. Rainfall infiltrates to the confined
porous medium aquifer of the lower section of UDT. Through the Quaternary sandy
clay layer, then penetrates into the lower confined pores-medium aquifer of UDT
and forms the source of recharge to the weathered zone of base rocks, coal
sub-crops and the confined fissured medium aquifer of seam VI roof. The
recharge has an apparent variation with the seasons.
So we may conclude about the hydrogeological condition of the
Barapukuria Coal Mine area as follows
¨ Since
the LDT is the main aquiclude in the study area and the lack of this layer
within the 0.29km2 towards the northern region causes a great
influence in to the recharge condition of the lower aquifer.
¨ There
is a vertical recharge from UDT to the Gondwana aquifer at the northern part of
the mine area.
¨ Because
of relative homogeneity, big thickness well developed vertical and horizontal
fissures also good recharge condition (due to absent of LDT aquiclude) from UDT
to Gondwana formation the roof sandstone of coal seam VI is a good aquifer
which is affecting the mining condition (CMC, 2000).
of mineral from subsurface rock mass involves the development of physical
accesses to the mineralized zone, extraction of the ore from the enclosing host
rock and transport of this material to the mine surface. Excavation of various
shapes, sizes, orientations and duty functions are required to support the
series of operations which comprises the complete mining process. A mining
method consists of a sequence of production unit operations, which are executed
continually in and around the production blocks into which an ore body is
divided. The operations of ore mobilization, extraction, and transportation are
common to all mining methods, while other operations may be specific to a
particular method. Hence, differences between mining methods involve different
techniques of performing the unit operations.
geological history, the large coal bearing area, which was formed by deposited
carbonaceous material, called coalfield. The social combination for developing
a coalfield stated as mining area. It can be seen that a mining area is
composed of many underground or surface (Open-pit) structure. So, It is
necessary to develop the whole mine area plane fully, step by step and
reasonably. In order to meet mine construction and production, a set of
auxiliary enterprise, traffic transportation, civil and other corresponding
enterprises and city buildings are constructed. Therefore, before developing a
mining area, a careful plan, a research on feasibility and a general design of
the mining area should be worked out as a basis of development and construction
of the mine. In the same way, for any engineering research work, it is essential
to get details knowledge about the geometry and relevant issues of the studied
site. In such demands, this chapter mainly concerns with the geometric layout
of the mine from extensive mine visits, literature reviews, discussion among
researchers and practitioners.
In April
1985; in order to find out economical valuable minerals in the northern part of
Bangladesh, Geological survey of Bangladesh (GSB) carried out some gravimetric
and magnetic survey, and drilled boreholes GDH-26. Since then, the Gondwana Coal-bearing
basin in Barapukuria area was discovered and which outlined the structure of
the basin. The contract of Barapukuria coal mine Development project number
BCMP-77 was signed by China National Machinery Import and Export Corporation
(CMC) and Bangladesh oil, gas and minerals corporation (BOGMC) in February,
1994. Barapukuria mine is the first developed and constructed coal mine in
Bangladesh, which is a modern and large one with a production capacity of 1
Million metric ton per year. The basic design for this mine was completed in
1995. The mine commenced its construction in June 1996; thereafter in December
1996 and April 1998 started the development of main and service shaft
In the
mean while, the 1101 coal face is going to be prepared for full scale mine
production and it is now under trail basis production mode.
After the coalfield is divided into minefield, a series of main
shafts and roadways should be excavated from the surface to underground, in
order to access easily to or near to the predetermined position of coal seam of
the preparation of mining districts. The arrangement and the excavation
engineering of main shafts and roadways, which serve for mining level stated as
mine development. Again the main shafts and roadways excavated for mine
development, called development roadways, such as shafts, shaft bottom, main
haulage roadways, main return air way, main cross-cut etc. However, the
rational arrangement methods of minefield development roadways mainly depend
upon certain conditions of minefield geology and accessible mining technique.
The occurrence of coal seam in the Barapukuria minefield is a
syncline basin, deep in the middle part and shallow in the surrounding parts,
the strike length of north-south is 4.9 km, spans of 0.3-9.1 km east-westward,
with an area of 5.8 km2. The effective mining area after deducting the
safety pillars for mine site, faults and preventing against water is only about
3 km2. The vertical height within the mining range is less than
300m. A single level mining method is applied in this minefield, in order to
ensure the life of the mine enough and the capital investment of basic
construction is reduced because of the smaller mine field area and smaller
vertical height of the mining range. So, only a mining level is used and the
level elevation is determined as -260 m by analysis and comparison for this
The basic design divided the minefield into 3 mining districts.
Because of the adjustment to the angle of coal seam and some correction in
terms of hydrogeology in the supplementary exploration report, the design
combines the original central mining district and southern mining district of
the design modification. Therefore, the whole minefield is divided into two
mining districts, as No. 1 (Southern) mining district and No. 2 (Northern)
district. The current development works run through the No. 1 (southern) mining
district by long wall face slicing method and its is to be taken over the
owners i.e. the Petrobangla after completion of construction. The northern
district will be excavated later by adopting room and pillar mining method i.e.
which is not suitable for long wall face method, due to its location within the
open window area. The proposed succession and developing plan of the
Barapukuria coal mining project at a glance shown in Fig. 6.1
the development method of Barapukuria coal mining project is vertical shaft
single level down-dip development. The arrangement manner of mining level main
roadways is double main roadways in each coal seam floor. According to the
layout of the surface production system, combining the relative position in
relations within the main roadways and the upper yard of the central mining
district proposed in the basic design. A pair of vertical shafts is laid in the
central shallower part of the basin, on north-south direction. The main shaft
is used for coal hosting and air return of the whole mine, where as the
auxiliary shaft is used for supplementary hoisting i.e. rocks, materials,
equipment’s and men, also uses as a function of fresh air inlet in the mine.
A mining
district is a comprehensive section with independent production system divided
along the strike in horizon or mining level. A series of preparation roadways
and entries must be driven to form a perfect system in a mining district and
ensure coal conveying, materials and equipment hauling, ventilation, drainage
and power supply to go smoothly. Preparation roadways are the main roadways
served for the preparation of mining district, such as district rise or
district dip, district station, district sub-level cross-cut and district rooms
i.e. transformer station, winder chamber and coal bin (storage). Whether, the
roadway arrangement system of a mining district is proper or not will directly
affect the production capacity of the working face, the district and as well as
the mine, and all the techno-economic indexes. Therefore, the roadway
arrangement system of the district must be designed reasonably based on
geological and mining technical conditions of each district. The arrangement
patterns and the position determination of main roadways in the BCMC based on
the fact that the main mine able coal seam (seam-vi) of the coal mine belongs
to extra large thickness of coal seam, is about 36.14 m and the distance
between the seam-vi and other mine able seam is large (more than 100m). So, the
in-seam roadways are used in order to reduce the engineering quantity of rock
roadways (crosscut) and production cost. Again, considering the fact that the
underground temperature of Barapukuria coal mine is very high and comprises of
complicated hydrogeological condition, the double-entry layout is adopted for
roadway arrangement, which is very much favorable for temperature controlling,
ventilation and construction safety. Taking consideration in all of the above
stated factors, CMC comparing the three options for selection the position of
main haulage roadways, namely-
roadway arrangement
1) In the roof seam-vi
2) In seam-vi, and
3) In the seam-vi floor.
long deliberation and analyzing a brief, the mine authorities adopted the
parallel arrangement of the roadways in the harder rock bed of seam-vi floor.
The three dips are laid out in medium hard sand stone bed of seam-vi floor and
the horizontal distance among dip is 30 m form each other. However both the
Belt dip and track dip entry rood way tunnel has a net cross-sectional area of
13.7 m2 and total length of 800 m. The tunnel is
started from the -260m level pit bottom station and completed at -450m level,
with an angle of 120 respects to the Global horizontal axis.
� Track
dip entry (a=120), is used for the elevation of face materials, Men and equipment,
driving of coal and waste and as air out take concurrently.
� Belt
conveyor dip entry (a=120), is used for coalface hoisting.
In the
southern mining district, the road way arrangement pattern for the development
of the Barapukuria coal mine project is shown in fig.6.2
to geological conditions of coal seam-vi and the practical situation of
Bangladesh, the method of thick seam inclined slicing long wall mining along
the strike with caving is adopted. A fully mechanized coalface is arranged in
the district and its average length is about 104 m. The face adopts retreating
mining in district. The slice mining sequence is slicing from up to down, that
is in the same district sub-level, when the first slice is mined out, then the
next slice with certain interval about 1.0-1.5 years will be mined.
The first
coalface is remarked as 1101, which denotes the first number ‘1’ as No. 1
mining district, the second number ‘1’ as the first slice and the last two
digits refers to No. 1 coal face. The numbering of south wing of mining
district is descending as 1101, 1103, 1105........and similarly, the numbering
of north wing of district is descending as 1102, 1104, 1106....and so on. The
No. 1101 coalface is located at upper ends of district south wing, shown in
fig. 5.3. In the basic design of the mine, total 11 slices will be extracted,
of which seven from the southern district and the rest from the northern. The
working face lengths both for fully-mechanized faces are of 120m, the mining
heights are 2.5 m for the first slice i.e. slice No. 1101 and 3.0 m for the
other slices. The 1101 working face lies at the top of the south of the
district, where 100 m fault coal pillar will left from the belt gate to the Fb
fault, 50 m from open-off cut to DOB 5 hole, 50 m coal pillar from ending line
to GDH 43. Again it is strictly controlled the track elevation is higher than
257 m, in order that the water from the crossheading and the working face can
flow naturally from cutoff to track roadway to the –260 shaft pump station.
sub-level haulage entry (belt conveyor gate) and air return entry (track gate)
are laid out in parallel to keep the length of the working face to be 104 m for
the requirements of fully mechanized coal face. The single entry layout is
adopted between two sub-levels while the double entry layout and the roadway
driving along the gob are used for the successive sub-level mining. The slice
geometry and the whole mine plane at a glance is shown in Fig 6.3.
2.6 Revised Long wall face geometry of BCMC (CMC, 2004)
Description Face
Run (m)Face Length (m)Long wall Team 11101 Face4801041103 Face12501041105
Face12001041107 Face10501041109 Face 8901111 Face730100
Long wall
Team 2
Face630601104 Face6201201106 Face5501201108 Face6001201110 Face4801201112
Face5501201114Face5501201116 Face5501201118 Face400104
definition, a thick seam is one that can not be mined by one slice mining
method. The highest ‘one slice mining method’ is presently applied up to about
4.5 m. Accordingly, any coal seam above 4.5 m thick (above 3.5 m in some
countries) is regarded as thick seam. In BCMC, seam VI has a thickness ranging
from 28 to 42 m with an average of 36 m. It is therefore regarded as a very
thick or ultra thick coal seam.
the geological, hydrogeological, and other technical parameters, long wall
mining method is applied in the Barapukuria underground mine. Long wall mining
involves removal of coal from single faces, generally 80 to 200 m long with the
working area protected by moveable roof supports. As the coals are extracted,
these supports are moved forward so that the roof behind them collapses to form
an extensive abandoned area called “gob”. Since coal seam VI is the only seam
to be extracted in Barapukuria, is very thick, a multi slice long wall mining
method would be adopted.
As for
thick coal seams, using full-seam extraction will be difficult and complicated
in technique. If the thickness of coal seam is over 5m, the support technique
and equipment of working face could be very difficult to control. Therefore,
under general condition, in order to overcome the difficulties of extra thick
coal seam of full-seam extraction can be divided into three types, that is,
inclined slice, horizontal slice and diagonal slice.
slice – Coal seam is divided into some slices which are parallel to the bedding
plane of coal seam, and the face advances along the strike or dip.
slice – Coal seam is divided into some slices which are parallel to the level,
and the face commonly advances along the strike.
slice- Coal seam is divided into some slices which have a certain angle with
the level, the face advances along the strike.
Two main types of long walls are being used throughout the world:
advancing and retreating long walls. Both methods have advantages and
disadvantages, but retreating long wall mining has proven to be more conducive
to the current mining experience and geological conditions found in the
Gondwana sediments (CMC, 2002).
Advancing long wall mining requires no pre-development around the
perimeter of the long face; the gate roads are developed as the long wall face
advances. Therefore the initial investment is much smaller when compared to
retreating long wall mining, and the coal can be produced for sale much sooner (Peng
and Chiang, 1984).
The retreating long wall mining method requires that roadways be
driven around the length and width of the face before the long wall face begins
to retreat, thus initial investment is higher than the advancing long wall, as
the roadways must be driven by continuous mining equipment, and the coal in the
long wall face cannot be extracted until the roadways are completed. The entry
arrangement of the retreating long wall method is somewhat more complex than
that of the advancing method since additional roadways must be created for
ventilation and transportation. However, the retreating long wall provides
first-hand information about geological conditions along the entire length and
width of the face, which is very important if adverse geological conditions are
discovered, such as faults or pinch-outs, etc. Entry maintenance is easier and
lasts longer in the retreating long wall since the roadways are developed in
solid coal (Peng and Chiang, 1984). As the mining technical condition for the
BCMC is much more complex, the selection of retreating mining method is one of
the principal reason, shown in fig 6.4
The faces are blocked out by developing face roadways, which are
excavated in-seam, perpendicular to the main roadways on both sides of the main
roadways. When the face roadways on both sides have been developed to the
designed length, they are connected by the crosscut roadways, which are
parallel to the main roadways. Usually, the face width varies from 100 to 150
m, and the face length varies from 600 to 900 m. After getting available mining
experiences in the Gondwana sediments, the trend to increase face width and
length to achieve a higher extraction ratio and to extend the time and
production between long wall face moves.
In a multi slice long wall mining environment, four different
mining sequences are possible regardless of the mining method employed, as
shown in Figure 6.5 (After Chekan, 1993).
(1) The upper seam is mined out prior to the lower seam; that is,
the seams are mined in descending order. Mining of the lower seam does not
commence until operations in the upper seam are complete. Mining procedures in
this order are usually called undermining.
(2) The lower seam is mined out prior to mining the upper seam;
that is, the seams are mined in ascending order. Mining of the upper seam does
not commence until operations in the lower seam are complete. Mining procedures
in this order are usually called over mining.
(3) Mining of the upper and lower seam is carried out
simultaneously, with development and mining being kept in advance in the upper
seam. Mining procedures in this order are usually called simultaneous mining.
(4) The upper seam may be partially developed and mined, followed
by extraction of the lower seam under the development section of the upper seam
(Lazer, 1965).
To avoid potential multiple seam interaction problems, the
preferred mining order should be descending mining, in which only the high
stress areas under the abutments will need to be accommodated for or avoided in
underlying mining operations (Peng, 1984). In the past, coal beds were mined in
no particular order with regard to controlling interactions and reducing ground
control problems. Again seam sequencing was based mostly on economics,
availability, and ownership.
Coal mine ground control problems associated with interaction
effects when mining in ascending order, namely over mining, were reported about
half a century ago. Hasley (1951) observed that the extraction of the coal from
the lower seam would inevitably cause subsidence, fracture, and parting of the
overlying strata and beds of coal, and that large and extensive remnant pillars
of coal left in the lower seam, or non-uniform extraction of the lower seam,
would cause bumps in the floor, crushing, and fractures of the coal in the
upper bed, endangering the mining activities of the superjacent seam.Extracting
order and the way of handling gob have very close relation. When descending
order is used, gob can be handled by caving or filling method, while ascending
order is used, gob is commonly handled by filling method
In Barapukuria, Coal seam VI will be extracted in multi-slice
method in descending order at the upper part of the seam. In the mine plan,
there are 11 slices to be worked in seam VI, each 2 to 3 m thick. Each slice
will be separated vertically from the next one by sections (septa) of unmined
coal of approximately 3 m. Fig 6.6

In a retreating long wall, mining starts from the crosscut
roadways and proceeds toward the main roadways. Fig. 6.7 is a cutaway view
showing the setup in a retreating long wall face. All of the face equipment is
assembled in the setup room where the long wall begins. There is generally a
barrier pillar between the crosscut roadways and the setup room. When the long
wall face line reaches the designed termination point on the main roadways
side, a recovery room is established from where all face equipment is
recovered, moved, and assembled at the setup room f the next face. The face
roadways consist of two, three, four, or sometimes five roadways. The most
common is the three-entry system which is the minimum number of roadways
required by law for developing the face roadways (Luo, 1998). After the face
begins to retreat, the immediate roadways on both sides of the face serve
special functions. The track gate roadway, which will be used as the belt gate
roadway after the face moves to the next 1103 coal face, is used for transporting
coal, personnel, and supplies to and from the face and for the passage of fresh
air. The belt gate roadway on the other side of the face is used for the
passage of return air.
The stability of the roadways plays a very important role in
retreating long wall mining. If any one of them is blocked or fails to function
normally due to ground control problems such as pillar failure, roof fall, or
floor heave, coal production may be disrupted or the escape way for personnel
and route of air circulation could be cut off. Repair work not only costs money
but also time, which in turn dramatically decreases the efficiency. Sometimes
when the blockage is severe, a large quality of reserves must be abandoned.
Hence, in order to keep retreating long wall mining safe, continuous, and
efficient, maintaining the stability of both \track gate road way and belt gate
road way becomes a major concern in fig. 6.8. The precise, though not
conservative, arrangement and design of the roadways system, which takes into
account various geological and mining conditions and interaction effects for
multiple seams, is a positive and effective way to maintain face road way
stability and can reduce labor and materials for primary and supplemental
Mine safety.
Mine safety are as follow’s
personal protective equipment
1.head protection
2. Eye and face protection
3. hearing protection
4.Hand foot, and leg protection
5.Protection clothing
6. respiratory equipment
Sanitary facilities .
Suitable sanitation and hygienic facilities must be provide at
mine and properly maintained.
Appropriate toilet facilities must be provides within a reasonable
distance from each workplace at the mine.
Mine drys.
Potable water.
Mine climate.
The climate of the mine is determined by the temperature and
humidity of the mine air.
Mine danger’s
i) Toxic gases
ii) Caving
iii) sliding
The coal of BARAPUKURIA COAL MINE is economically very important.
The coal is used for produces Heat Electricity in Varamara. The coal is also
used in berning bricks, road construction .